Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finally Container pics :)

I finally was able to get pics of my containers :) I used my Cricut to label all my containers.

I didn't label the above container yet - It was forgotten actually (ooops), but this is my Arugula lettuce leaves with Spinach planted around.

Hard to see in the pictures above but I have wire trellis posts behind them so I have a place to support the tomatoes and peppers as they grow :)

The Radish plants were def an experiment lol. I have no idea what will happen here but I was willing to try. Yesterday I thinned them down to two inches apart as required and we will just have to wait and see. If I get just one I would feel excited and like it was an accomplishment lol :)

The dirt in the Mixed Salad container looks a lil funky but the new seeds are still pushing it all up. I'm going to give it a few more days, and then tap down the soil better to get this one looking more normal lol :) Woooohooo my First Container Garden, never planted anything before. I figured I would just plant everything and whatever survives will be eaten! lol :)

EDIT: I used vinyl for making these letters. This is actually repositionable vinyl. I found it at Lowe's. It's is actually wall border that has sticky on one side and Vinyl on another. I just run it threw the Cricut and cut away, and then used transfer tape to get it mounted straight on whatever surface I want. Lowe's no longer carries this wallpaper so I stocked up when they had 16 feet rolls for a dollar a piece. I got tons of colors. I have watered the plants and wet the surface and so far they have not peeled off. I will have to check them again tonight as I am not positive this will last the summer lol.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Some Before and Afters

As promised here are some of the before and after pictures of the changes that have been made up to this point to the front of the house. The previous owner not only did not maintain what he planted around the houses perimeter, but he also planted incorrect shrubs that are way overgrown for the areas.







The changes are pretty fabulous and I love them. Everything looks so clean and orderly now. There is still a lot more to be done to these areas, but it feels good to get things started!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Before Pictures - What needs to change!

Here are the changes we have made so far.  The pictures below just show arrows on all the shrubs and weeds that we removed. 

We both want to clean this all up and make it pretty :) Check back soon for some more pictures of the progress to these specific areas :) 

Here is My Story...

I'm a Big City Girl from New York that now lives in the Country in Missouri. 
CityGRL gone CountryGRL, and when I say country I mean MOOOOOOOO. When I stand out on my lawn in the early evening I can literally hear the neighbors cows mooing, lol. This from a girl that not too long ago lived in a one bedroom apartment in New York.  I had no garden, no grass, no spot for even containers, no lawn at all. I now live with My boyfriend, Kelly. and our two lil ones, Maddie and Salem....CATS that is :) in a GIANT wonderful house located on several large acres of property. It's a shocker all right. This is a big change from my claustrophobic one bedroom apartment in NY.

I have always had a green thumb urge inside of me. I get this from my Mom that loves to garden, especially since she was raised on a farm growing up. Every year my Mom maintains her wonderful garden and flowers and she looks forward to the Spring just to be able to get out there and get her hands dirty. I beleive the urge to grow comes from her. On the other hand, my boyfriend doesn't agree. He calls me the plant killer LOL!!!! So far since I moved to Missouri I have done nothing but kill any plants in my path *embarassed grin*. I came to Missouri in Late June 2008 and I immediately set up a small garden that you see in the last post. It did wonderful!

This blog is here to prove Kelly wrong...Or I at least I hope it does :)