All I can say looking back now is, "darn it"!!! For this year we did a raised garden bed and a pond, and all my pictures of these processes apparently went to the birds, because I can't find them. I'm too sad to think about it, but what I can do is post some pictures of the new items and just hope one day those original pictures magical show up. It was a lot of work for Kelly to dig this pond out, and it saddens me to think the pictures of the process are lost.
Here is the completed pond. We never had one, so this too is a learning thing for us too. We kind of just went with it, hahaha. I think it looks pretty good and Kelly loves it so that is all that matters! I love this statue that sits by the pond, slightly creepy, but cute lol.
Please do not judge me on this part. This is a FAKE lily pad. Yes, you heard me right ...FAKE. I have always wanted real lily pads, so I will have to see what I can do about that. I need to do some reading to even see if this type of plant is growable in such a small pond as this one. I didn't want anything too big, just a water source for the birds. Future research will be needed to determine if this FAKE plant stays or not, lol. I can say one thing though, my photography skills are starting to improve greatly.
Spring of 2010 is just around the corner. I do not have any plants up yet for this year, so we are cleaning up from the yucky winter and getting ready. Kelly also added this awesome new planting area near my walk way. I am not sure what I will put there yet, but something fun will be headed to that spot soon.
Kelly worked extremely hard today, but one thing I can say is I am really starting to love doing outside work. It is so nice to finally have a real yard. Kelly is cleaning up some stray gravel from out drive. It's not in the best shape, and one day we hope to have it redone.