Tuesday, June 19, 2012

So Proud of This Moment In Time...Suet Balls

Anything is possible, lol. I wanted to include this here because I am super proud of it and it is part of my bird feeding. I created my own suet balls and was thrilled at the outcome. They came out pretty spectacular. Check them out...

Now that they are made, the key is DO THEY WORK? They can look fabulous, but if the birds don't eat them then you can consider them failed. The whole point is that they need to attract birds, right? So I placed them out with pretty low expectations. I was even okay if they attracted house sparrows, lol. ANYTHING, to validate that my suet balls would be irresistible to the birds. Here is what proceeded to happen..

Not only did I get a bird, I got an BALTIMORE ORIOLE!!! Now the lighting on these pictures isn't as great as the original shot, but how lovely! I had only seen one in my yard prior, and was really hoping to see more. It seemed very attracted to this new food I put out. HOW THRILLING!!! The suet balls were gobbled up! 

I used a recipe from this amazing book right here. My husband actually sniffed this out in a book store when we were at our yearly lake vacation. I LOVE THIS BOOK. I highly recommend it and if you see it grab it. If you are not able to find it in your local book store, it's available on Amazon.com

Another day in the life of bird lover. 

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